2025 will be the year of the croc

Crank the Croc

YOU can’t stop progress? The new industrial site on Roys Road seems to be causing quite a stir.
Sure it’s looking more Berlin Wall than the Walls of Babylon, but I’m not sure expectations could be too high in a zoned industrial site a few kilometres off the Bruce Highway.
Just imagine if Coles was going ahead at the same time.
Of course if the economy falls apart, you could always convert it into a jail to house all the kids that will be filling up prisons thanks to the LNP’s ‘adult time’ laws.
YOU know that cost of living is out of control when teenagers say they’re skipping their daily purchase of skim soy lattes.
Apparently $10 for a coffee is the tipping point.
I was reading that typical coffees could soon cost between $8 and $12.
Add in the surge in cocoa prices and the cappuccino could soon be a luxury item.
I’m no snob and have been known to drop into a servo or 7/11 for a cheap coffee – although I was very disappointed when flat whites went from $1 to $2.
I can’t go near the Alcafe from Aldi though – gross.
Fired up
Speaking of grossness, it’s hard not to be disturbed at the direction of, well, everything, after reading about Elon Musk having a dig at women et al for the devastation of the LA fires.
Seeing the worst natural disaster in US history while the city continues to burn is surely not cool.
We were all taught to think before we speak but now you’ve got influential people doing just that and deciding it’s still a good idea to spread hateful messages.
Fact checking
I read on the holidays that Facebook was cancelling its fact-checking division. Copy cats. I cancelled mine months ago and I’ve never felt so liberated. Fact!
