LANDSBOROUGH Community Kindergarten is celebrating 60 years with a fine art exhibition titled ‘Kindy through their eyes’.
The exhibition will feature work created by the kindy’s talented young local artists working with the dedicated teaching staff and special visitors from the local community. Children’s art is a powerful reminder to stop and appreciate the small things in the world.
The artwork includes photography, clay, framed flower art and textiles. The children’s work will be for sale on the evening to raise funds for future art experiences.
Local photographer Casey Mcintyre. of Studio Photography, visited the kindy over the past few weeks to work alongside the children in producing their photographs.
The children spent time with Casey in their favourite kindy places to talk about the details of their work and look at texture, perspective and colours.
Casey said the children knew exactly how to use a digital camera. She said it was a wonderful experience for both her and the young photographers.
One of the devoted kindy mums has shared her love of clay with the children and assisted them in making pinched pots, which were fired and glazed.
The kindy students also enjoyed the opportunity to learn from Gayle Farlow from Farlows’ Floriculture, who shared her knowledge of flowers and gardens.
The exhibition will also feature work created by the children during day-to-day activities with the kindy staff.
The exhibition will be on Saturday, December 4 from 4–7pm at the kindy at 13 Maleny Street Landsborough.
Attendance is free but you will need a ticket to enter. To register go to