Building connections to help prevent bullying

Parenting experts from the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program have highlighted the pivotal role parents and carers play in creating a secure and supportive environment for their children.
The theme for this year’s National Day of Action Against Bullying (August 18) was ‘building connections to prevent bullying,’ and raised the question of whether it could be the solution to addressing this nationwide concern for families and children. Dr Alan Ralph, Head of Training and clinical psychologist at Triple P International, said that bullying is a pervasive issue affecting children of all ages and backgrounds.
“Over half of parents believe bullying and cyberbullying are major health concerns for their children. But the good news is that with the right tools and strategies, parents and carers can help their child develop positive social skills and build stronger friendships – a great defence against bullying,” he said.
To assist parents in supporting their children, Triple P offers several suggestions:
Model positive behavior: Parents should be role models by demonstrating kindness, respect, and empathy in their daily lives.
Positive connections: Encourage children to develop positive relationships with peers and trusted adults, such as teachers or family friends, who can provide support and guidance.
Provide a warm, supportive environment: Creating a loving and supportive atmosphere helps children cope with life’s uncertainties and provides a safe haven to return to. Build resilience: Help children develop coping skills and a strong sense of self-worth to navigate challenges.
Listen actively: When parents give children full attention, it builds trust and connection, enabling children to communicate, share, and express their feelings.
Work with the school: Maintain open lines of communication with teachers and support staff to address incidents promptly.
Seek support: Don’t hesitate to seek help for yourself or your child. Resources like Kids Helpline, eSafety Commissioner, and Parentline are available.