THE Down Under Craft Club celebrates a special milestone on May 15. A milestone which represents 20 years of creative ideas; 20 years of imagining what can be achieved through using their hands and minds, individually and on joint projects.
The Landsborough Hall has been home for this club for 20 years. Originally the groups started upstairs in the Hall building, with three ladies who met on a Wednesday to create crafts together and socialise. Slowly the names grew, women came, others left and each time they took their new skills and ideas, and their lives were richer for the experience.
As space became available, the club moved downstairs and with an improved permanent location, the club expanded their skills and learnt new techniques combined with practiced old skills; through the sharing of knowledge formed many long term memberships.
During this period they opened their craft rooms to the community and until this day, every Saturday the Craft Room is open to the public to come and purchase specially made hand crafted goods for gifts, or for personal use in their homes.
Creations include quilting, embroidery, crochet and knitted items, jewellery and many other items which cater for craft items from birth to adulthood. Handbags, aprons, baby cloths, rugs and much more can be found by those who choose to stay a while and explore items on sale.
The club survived a flooding, the ebbs and flows of membership and a pandemic and they are still enthusiastic about the items they create. Every Tuesday and Wednesday morning the ladies gather, swap ideas, teach each other new skills, and create new crafts and have a much needed chat.
To celebrate, the Down Under Craft Group will have a high tea on Wednesday morning, May 11 for past and present members. The Group are encouraging those who have been involved to contact Margaret on 0439 782 874 and join the members to exchange their stories of past creative moments.
The Club is also organising an open day on Saturday, May 14 and will welcome anyone who is interested in expanding their knowledge and skills to drop in and say hello.