Enviro champions leading by example

By Sonia Isaacs

ENVIRONMENTAL community group champions Mooloolah River Landcare (MRL) have recently been acknowledged as ‘Environmental Leader of the Year.’

The registered non-profit land care group has been kicking some serious goals over the last few years, and what started as a small community grassroots initiative in the late 1990s has expanded into a dynamic volunteer-powered organisation that delivers a thriving native plant nursery, Sunshine Coast biocontrol facility, numerous community educational programs and conservation projects.

The group, which is made up of enthusiastic community members, nature lovers and environmental advocates was recognised at the 2022 Fisher Community Awards with a newly created special category award presented by Andrew Wallace MP. Mr Wallace told GC&M News that MRL did tremendous work to educate and empower the community, while also protecting the Mooloolah waterways.

 “From Wicked Weed Warriors, Cane Toad Challenges, and Bug Club, Mooloolah River Landcare inspire all generations to play their part in preserving and protecting our pristine environment. They can be very proud of their Native Plant Nursery, Biocontrol Facility, and all the great work done by expert staff and passionate volunteers,” he said.

MRL coordinator Karen Schmidt said the team were absolutely “stoked to win” and it was a great tribute to the efforts of the MRL team and wonderful to know others recognised the work the group have been doing to improve the Mooloolah River catchment.

“The other finalists, Matt and Poppy who are making a substantial difference to coastal environments and marine species, should also be equally as proud as we are. With environmental work, it’s everyone’s efforts combined that will make a lasting change,” she said.

MRL Coordinator Karen Schmidt accepting the award on behalf of the group with Andrew Wallace MP.
Leesa Beutel with Mooloolah River Landcare volunteers.

Currently approximately fifty volunteers help with various tasks and projects, with around ten who attend on a regular weekly basis. Volunteers come from all arenas and backgrounds including retirees, parents, students, plant enthusiasts, and some who are just keen to socialise on a weekly basis while doing something productive.

MRL manage a flourishing native plant nursery and a biocontrol facility at their Glenview headquarters which are open to the public for sales and tours. The group also run education events, and many ‘hands on/on-ground’ projects in the catchment such as seed collecting, water monitoring, macro-invertebrate monitoring, and revegetation projects.

One of their latest environmental ventures is a goal they have set for the following 12 months descriptively called ‘10,000 More!’, where the facility will seek to produce 10,000 more native plants, and 10,000 more biocontrol agents for vine weed control than the previous year, in a bid to make an even bigger impact.

The team are also very excited about their most recently funded project ‘Trees4Resilience’ which has received funding support from the Queensland Government’s Community Sustainability Action grant program.

Karen said the project sought to promote community climate awareness and provide opportunities for meaningful climate action through workshops, field practicums, classroom activities, planting days, and 30,000 more trees going into the ground. The native plant nursery will also be issuing carbon sequestration certificates with the trees for the public to directly see the positive impact made by each tree.

“We have found that while many in our community are keen to act, they’re uncertain as to what they can do to make a difference. Trees4Resilience fills this gap by providing information and support for action! Trees4Resilience focuses on community and trees, for when our communities plant trees they help reduce the impacts of climate change in our local area – and around the world,” said Karen.

Mooloolah River Landcare is located at 2670 Steve Irwin Way, Glenview. To find out more or to get involved call 5494 5074 or follow their Facebook page Mooloolah River Landcare or visit their website at https://mrl.org.au

Main image: The Mooloolah River Landcare Team.
