‘Farm animals’ returned after community campaign

A FAMILY devastated by the theft of sentimental animal ornaments from their property have been reunited with them following a public campaign for their return.

Wendy Jeffrey said she was left heartbroken when her late father’s fibreglass farm animals  were stolen from her property. The animals, which ‘mysteriously’ move about the yard, are a much-loved part of the Beerwah community. But on Friday July 8 the animals were stolen, prompting Wendy to post for assistance on community Facebook pages including Beerwatch.

Hundreds of people posted and shared the story and at 4.30am Sunday morning the farm friends were returned. Wendy said they heard a car pull up about 4.30am and dogs barking, and was “beyond excited” when she saw the animals had been returned.

“I would like to keep them outside, but I will have security technology set up and hopefully that will deter people from pinching them again,” she said.

“But everyone gets so much joy out of them, and we would like to put them back there, and I think with the publicity that it had, it would be a really game person to pinch them again.” 

Wendy said she wanted to thank the hinterland community who helped share the news of the theft.