Ahead of the May 21, 2022 Federal Election, Glasshouse Country & Maleny News asked all six candidates in the Fisher electorate to tell readers who they are and why they want to be a politician. We also asked the candidates to identify one significant issue facing Fisher and what they propose to do about it. Next edition: The Big Pitch
FIRST of all, I’m not sure it’s right to say I want to be a politician. Rather, I want to be involved with making a positive change for the community I live in.
I am lucky enough to live in beautiful Caloundra, city of beaches and I love the place.
I do the same things everyone else does. I have joined and volunteered with several sporting clubs, including Met Caloundra Surf Club and Caloundra Little Athletics.
I work for Queensland’s largest health and community support provider, which offers aged care services, disability support, health care, and crisis response. I am the environmental sustainability manager, where my role is to reduce carbon emissions and to move my organisation toward 100% renewables. So, naturally, I am committed to real action on tackling climate change.
Over the past few years with the onset of COVID-19, I’ve become even more aware of issues of concern, many stemming from Scott Morrison who refuses to take responsibility, goes missing in action, blames others and can’t admit his mistakes.
I decided we deserved better than a tired government like Scott Morrison’s, and I decided it’s time to do something about it.
Our communities deserve better than a government that can’t help Australians quickly enough when fires and floods sweep away their homes and livelihoods; and better than a government that will be remembered for its incompetence of mishandling every aspect of the COVID pandemic.
And we deserve better than a government that puts our families’ future in harm’s way because it refuses to take climate change seriously, a government that refuses to support aged care properly and that doesn’t fund Medicare adequately.
The cost to your hip pocket to see a Doctor has increased by 61% here in the Fisher electorate and finding a GP practice that bulk bills is extremely difficult.
Labor will make positive changes in measured and affordable ways.
Labor will:
Strengthen Medicare by making it easier to see the doctor.
Create secure local jobs by investing in fee-free TAFE and more university places, and making your job more secure with better pay and conditions.
Make child care cheaper so that it’s easier for working families to get ahead.
Make more things here in Australia – Labor will work with business to invest in manufacturing and renewables to create more Australian jobs.
Vote for a better future. Vote for Judene Andrews – Labor for Fisher.
Facebook: Judene Andrews – Labor for Fisher
*Candidates will be published in alphabetical order