In this final issue before the May 21 Federal Election GC&M News is providing readers with extensive information to help you make an informed decision on polling day. On this page is all the practical information to help you vote.
Early voting opens
If you can’t make a polling booth on May 21, you have the option of casting an early ballot by either pre-poll voting or postal voting.
To register and receive a postal vote, contact the Australian Electoral Commission via the AEC website, by calling them on 13 23 26 or by completing a postal vote application form available from the local AEC office (54 Baden Powell Street, Maroochydore).
You can pre-poll at one of the early voting centres.
From May 9:
• Beerwah Community Hall, 25 Peachester Road, Beerwah
• Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street, Maleny
• Buderim Unitied Centure, 2-10 Gloucester Road, Buderim
• Caloundra Cricket Club, 2-14 Lewis Street, Caloundra
• Baringa Community Centre, 20 Edwards Street, Baringa
• Oceanside Car Park, 3 Eccles Boulevard, Birtinya
• Maroochydore Cricket Club, 4 Cover Drive, Buderim.
• Nambour, 81-87 Currie Street.
• Millwell Rd Commuity Centre, 11 Millwell Road East, Maroochydore
Local polling booths
To vote on Saturday, May 21, you will need to go to a polling booth. Listed below are the local polling booths. All are open from 8am and close at 6pm sharp. Conondale is the only booth that is not wheelchair accessible.
The booths marked with an asterisk are important as they will have a school P&C sausage sizzle or stall available for voters. So, make sure you bring some money with you and support the local school P&C. Witta Recreational Club will have a full morning tea available.
Beerburrum – Beerburrum School of Arts Hall, 7 Anzac Avenue
Beerwah – Beerwah Community Hall, 25 Peachester Road
Caloundra – CCSA Hall, 1 Nutley Street
Conondale – Conondale State School, 1700 Maleny-Kenilworth Road
Glass House Mountains – Glass House Mountains State School, 58 Coonowrin Road (NOTE: No polling booth at Glass House Hall)
Glenview – Glenview State School, 6 Leeding Road
Landsborough* – Landsborough State School, 41 Gympie Street North
Maleny* – Maleny State School, 16 Bunya Street
Montville* – Montville State School, 149-157 Main Street
Mooloolah* – Mooloolah State School, 48 King Road
Peachester* – Peachester Hall, 960 Peachester Road
Sippy Downs – Siena College, 60 Sippy Downs Drive
Witta* – Witta Recreational Club, 351 Witta Road
On the way into the polling booth, you will no doubt be offered how to vote cards for the seat of Fisher and for the Senate.
These are a guide only – you don’t have to follow them exactly. You can vote number 1 for the candidate of your choice and allocate your preferences to all other candidates in the order you wish, even if it’s not the way your preferred candidate suggests.
Remember, people handing out how to vote cards are volunteers, friends and family of the candidates who just want to help. Please show them courtesy. If you feel they have overstepped the mark, let one of the polling booth officials know.
Preferencing explained
When you go to vote on May 21 (or before if you are pre-polling) you’ll be asked to number every box (one to seven) on the green House of Representatives paper for Fisher. On the long white Senate paper, you must number at least one to six above the line for the parties or groups of your choice to make it a formal vote. If you prefer to vote below the line in the Senate, you must number at least one to 12 to make a formal vote. This system is called preferential voting.
This is where you indicate, using numbers, who you prefer to represent you, from your first preference of candidate through to your last preference (again, one to seven for the green paper and at least one to six above the line or one to 12 below the line for the white paper). Outside the polling station supporters of various candidates will hand out their suggested preferences on how to vote cards. Remember … these are only their suggestions and you don’t have to follow any of them.