Fisher candidates deliver their ‘Big Pitch’ to the electorate
AS a fashion designer and an offshore production and impact specialist who created my own swimwear line, I might not be your typical politician … but I think Parliament could use a shake-up!
As your representative for Fisher, I would push for real solutions to the crises we’re facing right now on the Sunshine Coast: the housing crisis, the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis.
In Parliament, the Greens will fight for:
One million affordable public homes across Australia over the next 20 years, capping rent increases and banning rent bidding and no-grounds evictions.
Free, universal childcare with no income test.
Bringing dental and mental health under Medicare so everyone can see a dentist or psychologist for free.
Raising income support payments (including Jobseeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy, DSP and the Aged Pension) above the poverty line to $88 per day.
Lifting the minimum wage to 60% of the median wage.
I’m currently completing my MBA, and issues around sustainability within my industry and the world around us have me fired up! The pandemic has shown us how much we rely on the offshore supply chain – Australia must not only lead the manufacturing revival, but invest in sustainable infrastructure powered by renewable energy to fight the climate emergency.
The Greens’ plans to tackle the climate crisis include:
A moratorium on new coal, oil and gas approvals.
A $40 billion investment to build renewable energy and expand the electricity grid, to reach 100% publicly owned renewable energy by 2030.
Modernise and expand green manufacturing in Queensland in green steel and mineral processing.
Create new jobs in public transport and reforestation.
Help workers and communities, transition away from coal with a Job-for-Job Guarantee that will guarantee new employment at existing pay rates for 10 years, free reskilling, and a $2.8 billion Diversifying Coal Communities Fund.
Coal and gas are making the climate crisis worse, and the major parties want more. That would mean bigger fires, floods and more extreme weather.
But here’s the big difference between me and the other candidates running to represent you: if the Greens win, you can trust we’ll deliver on our policies, because unlike Labor and the LNP we refuse donations from property investors, banks and fossil fuel corporations.
Our plans are all fully costed and they’re achievable if we make billionaires and big corporations like Amazon pay their fair share of tax. We’d push for a 6% tax on the wealth of billionaires, a crackdown on multinational tax avoidance, and a super-profits tax on large corporations. After all, they have profited from our hard-earned dollars for long enough!
If I win, you can be assured I’ll raise my voice on behalf of the Sunshine Coast and the Fisher electorate. Even if I don’t win, your preference will go to whoever you choose for number ‘2’. If you want a sustainable society, climate action and solutions to the housing and cost of living crisis, you have to vote for it!
F: RenayWells.Greens