Our Glasshouse Country Chamber has had a very busy month.
We were fortunate to have SC Council representatives come and speak with interested members about the new Planning Scheme and share ideas together.
Based on the information collected from our members, we have made a submission on our members’ behalf, and have expressed our interest in being involved as planning progresses.
If any members would like a copy of the submission, please contact the Chamber via email.
Thank you to those who gave of their time to bring suggestions and proposals. We will keep you updated.
In other great news this week, from this Thursday, mandates removed for hospitality, events and weddings.
This is very welcome news for our businesses after what has been a very difficult 2 years. Please continue to show your support for our local businesses when you can.
These fabulous family businesses need our support and look forward to welcoming everyone back.
With a specific focus on our retail and shopfront businesses in each of our townships, we have created a Glasshouse Country Business Confidence Survey to greater understand the confidence of our businesses moving forward.
We would love for as many businesses as possible to take about 3 minutes to fill this out. Simply scan the QR code below.
And finally, we look forward to welcoming you to our next event coming up this Wednesday 13th April at 7:30am at the Steaming Cup, Landsborough.
With the Federal election now announced, it is very timely that we welcome special guest, Member for Fisher and Speaker of the House of Reps, Mr Andrew Wallace to our next Coffee Catch up. Please check the website for details. We look forward to seeing you there.
Till next time, have a great month, www.glasshousecountrychamber.com.au