Having problems with your hearing?

Did you know Maleny has its own hearing clinic?
Sounds Good Sunshine Coast operates services Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays by appointment.
It is owned and operated by Ben Small who is a Maleny local.
Ben has more than 25 years experience in the audiology industry and is happy to assist those just starting out on their hearing journey, or those who need help with their current hearing situation. Whether you are a private client, or eligible for services under the Hearing Services Program, Ben can assist.
A full range of services are available from basic hearing tests and wax removal, to hearing aid fitting and rehabilitation. All the latest equipment is used and being independent means a wide choice of products and options are available.
Sounds Good is situated at 8/43 Maple Street in Maleny. The clinic is best accessed via Bicentenary Lane and is opposite the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. Sounds Good also does home visit appointments for those who are unable to get to the clinic.
Having a check-up on your hearing in most cases is a FREE service so there should be no excuses to see where your hearing levels sit for your own piece of mind.
Visit the website www.soundsgoodsc.com.au to find out more or email soundsgoodsc@outlook.com.au with any questions you may have. To make an appointment directly call Ben on 0410 467 090 and he will be happy to arrange a time.
