PARENTS are being warned about the high chances of their children coming home with head lice this year.
Statistics show that between 20-30 per cent of primary students are likely to get head lice at some stage. Itching and scratching around the back of the neck and behind the ears are common symptoms of head lice.
Parents can opt for chemical-based or essential oil-based, such as tea tree oil, treatments to get rid of lice.
Pharmacies stock a range of treatments for head lice, including special combs, shampoo and conditioner, creams and other products. A fine-tooth comb is an essential tool to remove the nits and to check if the lice are dead after treatment. Lice can be resistant to certain products, meaning a retreatment with a different active-ingredient group is needed.
Be cautious when using lice treatments around pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 12 months, people with allergies, asthma of open wounds on the scalp. Don’t hesitate to ask the pharmacist for advice on the best treatment.