It’s time to talk: Menopause is costing women billions of dollars each year

MENOPAUSE costs women more than $17 billion per year in lost earnings and superannuation, according to the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST).

AIST, the peak body for the $1.6 trillion profit-to-member super sector, said recent British studies indicated up to a quarter of menopausal women experienced debilitating symptoms leading to long-term absences from work or forcing them into early retirement. “We know that women have had to resign or reduce their hours because of symptoms,” Janet Michelmore AO, CEO of Jean Hailes for Women’s Health said.

“The statistics do not surprise me. We know that in  Australia 80 per cent of women experience menopausal symptoms that can range from mild to extremely severe.

“Many women have had to resign, reduce their hours, or go part time because these symptoms can last up to ten years.”

The national not-for-profit organisation has been a leader in the field of menopause and women’s health for 30 years.

“With October being World Menopause Month, it’s time to increase awareness that menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life. Important conversations and increased education for women and their health practitioners around menopause have to become the norm,” says Ms Michelmore.

“We need to break taboos around menopause and find ways to keep women in the workforce. We need to break taboos around the topic of menopause and encourage women, their partners and families, and workplaces to acknowledge this life stage.”
