- Top up the mulch around fruit trees. Clean out your compost bin, spread the contents under your fruit trees, and start another.
- Feed your citrus trees. Use 125g of citrus tree fertiliser per year of age of the tree up to 1.25kg. You need to do this three times a year – July, November and February.
- Plant rhubarb now – either as crowns or small punnet plants.
- It’s a good time to transplant existing rose bushes to another spot in the garden if you need to.
- Cut back the time between watering for indoor plants to prevent mould and mildew growing.
- Treat your lawn for bindii as soon as it appears. Any of the broadleaf lawn herbicides, such as ‘bindii and clover killer’ will do.
- Give your cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli a boost and feed them some sulfate of ammonia.
- Prune roses to stimulate new growth and flowering for Spring.
- Prune Hydrangeas and fuchsias to two-thirds their size, cutting to just above a bud.
- Take frangipani cuttings – leave them for two to four weeks before planting.
- Plant up offshoots of crucifix orchids.
- Plant potatoes, sweet potatoes and shallots in the vegetable garden.
- Get along to the Queensland Garden Expo at the Nambour Showgrounds. July 8,9 and 10 – see www.qldgardenexpo.com.au for more details
Plant asparagus, broad bean, peas, beans, parsnip, rhubarb, english spinach, silver beet, zucchini, potatoes, carrot, kohl rabi, lettuce, radish, spring onion, turnip, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, celery, garlic, leeks, swede, sweet potato and tomato.
Plant ageratum, amaranthus, aster, bedding begonia, boronia, candytuft, carnation, cleome, cornflower, dahlia, dianthus, everlasting daisy, gaillardia, impatiens, nigella, californian poppy, rudbeckia, snapgragon, statice, alyssum, marigold, petunia, celosia, aurora daisy, chrysanthemum, coleus, gazania, gerbera, gloxinia, moluccella, larkspur, linaria, nasturtium, strawflower, swan river daisy, verbena, kangaroo paw, cosmos, gomphrena, phlox, portulaca, salvia, sunflower and zinnia.