Kart-blanche launch!

By Sonia Isaacs

The Rangebow Festival launch party kicked off last Tuesday August 1 in magnificent style at The Big Kart Track in Landsborough. The well attended event provided plenty of fun for attendees, and saw show-stopping helicopter arrivals, drag queens in drag racers and an eclectic gathering of invited guests and creative talent with Deputy Mayor Rick Baberowski and Cr. Winston Johnston also stopping by to mingle in with the crowd.
Festival Director, Wayne Parcell and Artistic Director, Skye Parker expressed their appreciation for the support of both the local and wider community in putting on this year’s festival, and looked forward to sharing the packed festival program of arts, culture, theatre, music and more with the community.
Celebrating diversity, sustainability, reconciliation, and inclusion as well as the key themes ‘Dream, Love, Live’, Rangebow Festival promises an array of exciting, enriching and expansive experiences for people of all ages across various venues along the Blackall Range from Thursday August 10 through to Sunday August 13.
With only a few days left to go, the festival features something for everyone, including events for families, young people and the young at heart. From world premiere theatrical performances such as ‘Iago’ performed at the Montville Village Hall and ‘Juggling a Gay Life’ theatrical performance at Maleny Playhouse, cabaret performances at the Maleny Community Centre, afternoon music festival and tree planting event in Montville; to film festivals, First Nations feasts, pyjama rave DJ dance parties for families and much, much more!
To find out more or to book tickets to these or any of the events in what is a fabulously full and culturally creative festival of expression and inclusion head to https://www.therangebowfestival.org/
