As migration season kicks off, experts are urging people to keep their eyes on the road
By Heidi Langston
KOALA’s are currently on the move on the Sunshine Coast as they migrate during the summer.
Drivers are being made aware to use caution when driving through areas populated with koalas, mainly around the times of dawn and dusk.
Rachel Lyons, rescuer of Wildcare Australia, stated that the mating season is when koalas become more active and would consequently be involved in a lot of car accidents.
“During this time koalas are searching for a mate, juveniles are dispersing from their mothers and others are out establishing their own home range,” said Ms Lyons.
The young koalas become all grown up and decide to set out on their own, exploring to find their own homes and territories while also looking for love, but when taking that step of independence they sometimes end up taking that step to the roads.
“Sadly, only around 20 percent of koalas hit by vehicles survive due to the extent of their injuries.”
Each year there are koala casualties to road accidents, so a campaign was created Koalas On The Move.
The campaign makes drivers aware of the breeding season of the koalas, to curb vehicle strikes. A great way to help out the marsupial species is to be vigilant when driving especially in koala crossing sign areas, and to keep dogs away.
In cases of injured or sick koalas, call RSPCA 1300 264 625.