La Niña easing this summer

By Kirra Livingstone

THE Bureau of Meteorology have announced La Niña is expected to ease over the 2022/23 summer, as it continues to slowly weaken.

The weather system is currently in the tropical Pacific and as ocean temperatures continue to warm over the weeks, the Bureau said this will cause more El Niño levels rather than La Niña conditions.

“Some change in atmospheric patterns towards neutral levels is also possible,” they said.

“As long-range forecast accuracy is generally lower at this time of year, ENSO outlooks that extend through autumn should be viewed with caution.”

However, the Bureau added that warmer sea surface temperatures can still cause adverse weather conditions for Australia during summer.

“Sea surface temperatures remain warmer than average in the western Pacific, much of the Maritime Continent, and around northern Australia,” they said.

“Warmer Australian waters, especially in the tropics, can result in greater evaporation, humidity, cloudiness, and rainfall.”
