Maleny Forums update

Maleny Forums has initiated a range of working groups. Here’s a snapshot of recent work.

Ahead of the Federal election on May 21, Maleny Forums in partnership with Glasshouse Country & Maleny News hosted a ‘Meet the Candidates’ forum on  May 10. The more than 100 attendees met five of the six Fisher candidates. Judene Andrews (Australian Labor Party), Vicki Breckenridge (Animal Justice Party), Tony Moore (United Australia Party), Sam Schriver (One Nation Party) and Andrew Wallace (Liberal National Party) introduced themselves and answered questions from local residents on various topics including climate change, social inequities, relationships with China and the Solomon Islands, insecure and unaffordable housing, unreliable NBN, a bureaucratic NDIS, and pension levels for older people. Renay Wells (The Greens) was an apology.

Glasshouse Country & Maleny News published a comprehensive article about the evening.

Waste Action Maleny

Waste Action Maleny is launching ‘Conversations for Change’. These small group gatherings will give locals an opportunity to connect and chat about zero waste, sustainable living and share successes, challenges and discuss ways to support each other. To request more information and register your interest email

Upcoming Forum

Placemaking and Streetscaping. What do residents want Maleny public spaces, especially Maple Street, to be and look like for our community’s shared health, wellbeing and connections? A Forum on this topic is planned for late June. Stay tuned.
