Nine-unit apartment complex proposed for Beerwah

A PROPOSAL for a nine-unit apartment block in Beerwah within a medium density residential area directly behind Glasshouse Christian College has been lodged with council.
The development application for a material change of use to the property at 17 Nichols Ave was lodged with Sunshine Coast Council on behalf of RMC Holdings 2.0 Pty Ltd.
According to the DA, the developer is proposing a medium density residential unit development that “makes efficient use of the site to facilitate higher density infill development in a location that is in close proximity to the Beerwah Town Centre and existing rail network”.
The development will “aid the area” to achieve higher densities, “which is highly sought after on the basis that the locality, south of the town centre, is presently dominated by detached dwelling houses on large lots, despite the medium density zoning”.

Town planner, Adam & Sparkes, stated that the proposed development was of a scale that would meet the community’s expectations for the zone and wider locality, “given the presence of existing multiple dwelling development and small residential lots north of the town centre”.
The nine-unit development features “high quality architectural design” and a mix of building materials to enhance variation and visual interest, the town planner stated in the DA.
“Overall, the proposed building design seeks to integrate the traditional built form character of Beerwah by using lightweight timber and cladding materials, with skillion colourbond roofs, complemented by ample landscaping along the street frontage,” it stated.
“The proposed development will largely appear as a low-set dwelling from the street and will maintain a residential streetscape that is sympathetic to surrounding dwelling house development.”
The application states that the proposal will assist a housing shortfall in the area.
“The proposed density of 67.53 dwellings per hectare will assist the pocket of medium density residential zoned land to fulfill the intent of the zone, assisting in accommodating for the shortfall of density achieved in the Beerwah area to date,” the DA stated.
“It is noted that the development provides this, whilst also containing a built form that is in-keeping with the rural town character of the local area.”