HINTERLAND schools are aiming to turn the challenges of vaccination mandates and a delayed start to the year into positives for children returning to school next week.
Schools have had to react quickly to the loss of some teachers ahead of the new school year.
Glasshouse Christian College Principal, Mike Curtis, said that while the school had been affected by the mandate, students’ education would not be impacted.
“We were saddened to receive two resignations (out of a total of approximately 165 staff) from valued teachers and are in the process of recruiting their replacements,”
he said.
“A few staff members requested Term 1 off to look further into their options and we were happy to grant their request.”
He said that the mandate had not caused any concern for the college, but the school was concerned for the position this had placed some teachers.
“The main concern was the mandate coming just before Christmas which meant it was a bit more challenging to plan ahead while the college was closed for the holidays,” he said.
“However, this was less disruptive to teaching our students than an earlier mandate so we are thankful for that.”
With school set to start next week as the main Omicron wave starts to decline, Mr Curtis said the college was working hard to ensure a welcome return.
“Staff have been preparing their lessons, holding virtual meetings and brightening up their classrooms,” he said.
“There is a lot of excitement around the return of students to on-campus learning on February 7.”
Main image: Glasshouse Christian College Principal, Mike Curtis