Coffee with a Copper
We have had great feedback from our recent Coffee with a Copper events. After our first effort at Beerwah was delayed due to COVID restrictions we enjoyed meeting up with some of the local community at Mrs Brown’s Espresso at Beerwah Marketplace.
Last month was in Mooloolah at Café Mooloolah but, unfortunately, last minute COVID issues stopped me from being able to attend. However, Snr Sgt Brendan Davis, Brian, who is our volunteer in policing, and Sgt Sandy Atkinson, from the Sunshine Coast Crime Prevention Unit, were in attendance.
There was also a recent community meeting at Peachester after some residents were concerned about recent incidents. We had a good discussion about some easy ways to avoid becoming a victim of crime, including locking your vehicle even when it’s parked on your property and making sure your house is secure even if you are home or only out for a short period of time. Most crimes of this sort are crimes of opportunity, so making it even a little bit more difficult can make a lot of difference.
At all our recent community engagements we have been encouraging people to consider becoming part of the local Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) group. The previous committee has stepped down but we are hoping that someone will take up the reins and carry it on. Although the previous group continued to have in-person meetings there is no requirement for this and NHW encourages communities to connect online. If there is anyone interested in finding out more about being involved with NHW please contact me at Beerwah Station.
Blue Light dance party
At this stage these events are still on hold due to the COVID restrictions making them a little difficult to manage. Hopefully we will be able to run one before the end of the year.
Recent stats
Over the past month in Beerwah Division there have been 20 traffic-related offences, which includes unlicensed driving as well as speeding or other offences where an infringement notice can be issued.
As usual the highest figure is in the theft category with 34. This category includes stealing from shops, which for Beerwah Division is always mostly fuel drive offs from the various service stations, particularly those on the main arterial roads.
Assaults are up a little at ten. This is likely to be partly due to a change in reporting of these offences, which means some incidents where a person may not wish to make a complaint are still recorded when they previously weren’t.
There were five reports of property damage, which includes graffiti, and five good order offences, which includes public nuisance and other street offences.
Five unlawful entries were reported. These offences generally relate to vehicles where items have likely been stolen but not the actual vehicle. It can also include an unlawful entry into a business.
There have also been eight drug offences and two fraud offences.
If you are interested in seeing more statistics for your particular area head to and follow the links.