Rain, rain, and more rain; for the first time ever, our Probus meeting for May was cancelled because of the uncertain nature of the roads and creek crossing. Dining out a week later, however, went ahead and was thoroughly enjoyed.
The next general meeting is at 10am on June 8, at the Glasshouse Country RSL, so come along. Two new members will be inducted and there is room for more.
If you have recently come to this area and are looking to make new friends, you are welcome to come to our club as a visitor for a couple of meetings. So if you like what you see, then you can formally join us.
Wednesday is Probus Day and each week there is some Probus activity happening – it may be dining out, coffee and chat or outings.
There are also interest groups such as canasta, mahjong or craft.
Fun, Friendship and Fellowship is our Motto. If you’d like to know more please contact Dagmar at 0406 076 410 or Norma at 5439 0446.