Remembrance Day local services

Beerwah & District RSL Sub-Branch- Remembrance Day Commemoration Saturday 11 November 2023, Turner Park Cenotaph, Turner Street Beerwah, Time: 10.30am
Glass House Mountains
The Glasshouse Country RSL Sub-Branch- Remembrance Day commemoration on Saturday November 11th, 2023, which is being held at the RSL Cenotaph, 1 Reed St, Glass House Mountains. Commencing at 10:30am and followed by a light lunch.
Maleny RSL Sub-Branch- Remembrance Day Ceremony at RSL Maleny Cenotaph commencing 1045.
Mapleton RSL Sub-Branch- Remembrance Day Service at the Mapleton Memorial Park Saturday 11 November at 1030 hrs.
Peachester History Committee- Annual Remembrance Day Service, arrive at 9:45am for a 10:15am start. A shared lunch at the Peachester Hall is provided following service.