Sunshine Coast Leads the Way in Native Vegetation Growth

The Sunshine Coast is thriving with biodiversity, as native vegetation continues to expand by thousands of hectares. According to the recently released Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Report, native vegetation now covers 57% of the region, an increase of 5,655 hectares since 2016.

The report, published by Sunshine Coast Council, highlights the region’s progress in biodiversity and guides future planning. It shows the council is exceeding its goal to maintain 2016 vegetation levels until 2041, as set in the award-winning Environment and Liveability Strategy.

Environment Portfolio Councillor Maria Suarez said the increase reflects efforts by the council and the community. “We’ve seen vegetation growth across both public and private land, with active restoration helping that along,” she said.

However, challenges remain. The extent of remnant vegetation—mature ecosystems crucial to biodiversity—has decreased by 1,142 hectares due to urban development and other factors. Cr Suarez emphasized the need to balance growth with conservation.

Land for Wildlife, a voluntary program aiding habitat restoration, has seen the largest increase in conservation land. Environment Portfolio Councillor Tim Burns celebrated this success, stating, “Biodiversity and habitat are important to our community.”

Residents can contribute by joining BushCare groups, registering for Land for Wildlife, or planting native vegetation. Together, the Sunshine Coast continues to lead in sustainable biodiversity efforts.
