Time waits for no man, or croc

By Crank the Croc

READING last week’s paper I nearly choked on my Wheaties when learning that a bunch of Peachester families weren’t within cooee of getting a decent park.

That issue has been going on for longer than when I left, ummm… it’s been a long time.

It’ll be my kids kids that might eventually get to know the joys of a park with a swing and toilet block.

The Olympics would have come and gone for goodness sake.

And all this current generation really wants is a fence for safety’s sake.

But apparently a sign for the park’s name (cost: $4000) and mowing is all that’s budgeted for in the next 10 years. Is it because it’s too small a town to matter?

You’ve got a passionate community always willing to step up and out to make their voices heard. Did someone say discretionary fund?

Rail of a time

Speaking of ‘for future generations only’, this  next plan is exclusively targeted at The Jetsons.

My employer contacted me last week to ask me to apply for a new job.

He wants to see me appointed chair of the High Speed Rail Authority.

It’s a new board being established that – as the packet says – will investigate high speed rail down the east coast.

The cunning plan is I get on the board – infiltrate it Lidia Thorpe-style – and then don’t budge until the Beerwah to Maroochydore rail line gets built.

Sure it might end up costing a bit more to deliver high speed, and sure you probably won’t have much chance of breaking any speed records between the towns, but at least I could get it built, which is a sight more than the state government is doing to deliver a bog standard railway line.

Aside from that pie in the sky plan, the idea that there will be high speed rail service this generation will get to enjoy is hilarious.

Gladstone would have held an Olympics by then.

A sense of porpoise

I still remember the days of going to see the Crushers in the Lang Park outer and supporting them because they weren’t the Broncos and quite frankly nothing has changed.

The Dolphins are a breath of fresh air for the NRL and SEQ and good luck to them.
