Top marks for executing the office of mayor

By Crank the Croc

TALK about falling on your sword. New Mayor Rosanna Natoli revealed at last week’s ordinary meeting that both her and husband Joe couldn’t take any part in the vote on the Mooloolaba Foreshore development.
The project is kind of a big deal, but alas the couple had been offered and accepted five nights accommodation (valued at $2,200) to stay at the Peninsula Beachfront Resort on the foreshore.
Wouldn’t you know it, but said resort could be a beneficiary of the development.
Why would you have accepted it in the first place, is one question that comes to mind.
Nonetheless it was Mayor Natoli’s extreme offer to make amends: “I will now execute myself,” she said.
Really? Who needs the Crime and Corruption Commission with this new breed of self-regulating hari-kari councillors. In saying that we commend the strong leadership and raised regulatory expectations.
As it happened Cr Natoli quickly corrected the record to ‘exclude’ herself from the vote. From one extreme to the next. Boring.
DECIDED to go and see a financial adviser to make sure I can afford at least one P&O cruise a year when I step back from being a famous columnist. What a disappointment.
I wanted bling. Some smooth talker living how I wanna be. Someone who uses words like ‘leverage’ and ‘borrow’ and ‘golf’. Someone in a fancy boardroom with Bloomberg playing in the background and a Powerpoint deck with shiny line graphs all pointing up.
Instead I got a drab boardroom, cheap laptop that doesn’t connect to the TV and an adviser using horrible words like ‘budgeting’ and ‘means’.
These people might sleep well at night but I bet it’s in budget accommodation. Next.