Units starting to fill in Beerwah

By Jennifer Kent

TWO large house blocks on Peachester Road at Beerwah are set to be developed into multiple units as developers continue to take advantage of medium density rules in the hinterland town.

The two properties, at 61 and 63 Peachester Rd, totalling over 3400sqm of land, will be developed over two stages.

The second stage will see the development of six units, while keeping the original houses at the front of the block. The sites are within Beerwah’s medium density residential zone and priority infrastructure area.
The six new units will all be about 300sqm in total area size. Urban planner, Pace Planning states the development “… integrates with existing community infrastructure and amenities that are connected to Peachester Road and broader Beerwah community.”

“All adjoining and surrounding sites are zoned medium density and Beerwah is planned to become a Major Centre.

“Infill development of the existing high and medium density zones is expected to intensify as the Beerwah locality area grows and demand for housing increases in the area.

“Beerwah is ‘missing’ the middle – being medium density outcomes.

“Council cannot hold medium density development back in Beerwah moving forward.”