BETTY and George Diefenbach have been officially involved with the Maleny Show Society for more than 50 years, but Betty says one of her most enduring memories was as a 10-year-old when her mother was involved in the catering.
“Back then mum would make some pies to take to the show because we couldn’t afford to buy food there,” Betty, 81, said.
“She would put them in this blue double basin container with hot water, and we would keep changing the water to keep the pies warm.
“It’s something I’ve always remembered fondly.”
That generational commitment stuck with Betty and George who have maintained an unwavering commitment to the Show Society for more than half a century.
They have now been recognised as Honorary Life Members of the Society for their tireless work over that time.
“It’s an honour for both of us,” Betty said.
“George has given so much for it.
“We don’t do these things to be recognised, but it’s still an honour to be nominated.”
George, as Chief Hall Steward for 40 years played a crucial hand in the successful running of the annual weekend, spending the best part of a month setting up for every aspect from show balls to catering.
Betty was also heavily involved including, for a time, the running of the weekend’s fashion shows where she supplied the clothing from her drapery and menswear store. George played his part, building the catwalk for the local models to strut their stuff.
“We used to do two shows a day back then,” she said.
“I’d offer a discount on the clothes (at the store). It was good PR.”
The couple, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last year, said being part of the Society for so long has been truly rewarding.
“You do what you can for the community,” Betty said, “and you do it to the best of your ability.”