Value adding with DIY jobs in the hinterland

MCGRATH Coast & Hinterland’s area of specialty is homes, so we wanted to share some insights into jobs you can do at home to potentially add value to your property prior to listing for sale.
Step 1: Plan and organise any pre-sale renovations and repairs.
Walk around your property with fresh eyes. Pretend you are a buyer inspecting your property for the first time and write a list of all the improvements you could makes with the property that you spot on your walk through.
Whilst you may not normally notice the broken latch on a gate, or the loose paver on the path or the broken roof tile, potential buyers will, and you want to fix these before your first open home.
Once you have your list, start categorising them into jobs you can do, jobs for another member of the family and jobs that require an expert. It can take a while to find and book a tradesman and some jobs, such as fixing decking, painting the house or fence, sanding and refinishing floorboards etc can take a while so you need to plan this in advance.
Step 2: Declutter, store, donate, sell or discard.
This step is all about decluttering the home and removing some of your personal items and potentially some of your larger pieces of furniture to create a flow through the property.
Pack and purge is what we like to call it. Go room by room and sort items into different piles.
Step 3: Landscaping the garden.
Whether you have a small or large outdoor space, it’s important that you showcase it.
Buyers look at decks, verandahs, courtyards and gardens as extensions of their homes, a place to entertain family and friends and enjoy our beautiful climate.
Weed the garden beds, plant new flowers in the garden beds and spread fresh mulch. Mow the lawn and add top dressing. Trim all the greenery.
If you own a pool, clean the pool fence and around the pool, and if you haven’t already, get the chlorine levels checked so the pool is sparkling.