EIGHT proposed veteran wellbeing centres throughout regional Australia including on the Sunshine Coast were axed in last week’s Federal Budget with the Labor Party deeming the centres “rorts and waste”.
$23.3 million was cut from the Coalition’s $70 million Budget commitment in March, resulting in veteran communities across Australia being denied access to support and advocacy services.
“This is about backing our veterans on behalf of a grateful nation,” Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace said. “It is disappointing to see Labor turn its back on regions like the Sunshine Coast and unthinkable to see cuts for veterans’ services.”
RSL Sunshine Coast and Regional District President Ian Hall said the veteran hubs serve a beneficial purpose for the veterans and their families. “I’m rather surprised because I thought as a result of the Royal Commission… it has been identified that these veteran hubs are needed and are beneficial,” Mr Hall said. “…mates will look after mates, and we will go into fight to make sure this occurs.”
Young Veterans Sunshine Coast president Peter Kennedy with Andrew Wallace and Ian Hall.