WASTE Action Maleny (WAM!), a new initiative addressing the waste crisis at a community level, was formed following a recent community forum run by Maleny Forums and Maple Street Co-operative and supported by the Sunshine Coast Council.
WAM! convenor Yvonne Holmes said the group would host a number of events during National Recycling Week, November 8-14.
“We invite individuals, artists, farmers, activists, composters, organisations and businesses who want to share what they are doing to avoid, reduce, reuse, repair and (if we have to) recycle to take part during the week,” Yvonne said.
“We are all on a waste journey and we have come a long way.
“We encourage you to take your green to the next level. We simply want to do waste better.”
Interactive displays, film screenings, entertainment, educational activities and workshops, culminating in a plastic-free picnic in Maleny’s town centre will be held during Recycling Week.
“Waste is now personal. While the science is incomplete about how plastics affect humans and animals, it seems that microplastics are now small enough to breach the blood-brain barrier, and the chemicals in plastics have been linked to reproductive harm, obesity, organ stress and developmental delays,” Yvonne said.
“For the health of the planet and those we love, we simply have to do waste better.
“Let’s come together in November and share our stories, and inspire each other on how we can avoid, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle waste,” she said.
Planning is under way for the following events, with more details in the next edition of GC&M News:
Monday, November 8 – Waste Action Front Up Club at Maleny Lane as poets and musicians shine a light on the issue
Tuesday, November 9 evening – Know your recycling workshop with Sandie Johnson in the verandah room at Maleny Community Centre
Wednesday, November 10, 10am-12noon – Student mini WAMfest, with music and activities on the IGA vacant block (the Green) in Maple Street
Thursday, November 11 – Film screening at Maleny Community Centre
Friday, November 12 – Workshops in the verandah room at Maleny Community Centre
Saturday, November 13, 9am-2pm – WAMFest and plastic-free picnic with music, celebration, speakers, activities, ideas and inspiration
If you want to share your waste action journey or are interested in joining a working group, contact WAM! on wasteactionmaleny@gmail.com or check the Facebook group
Main image: Year 6 students at the River school recycling paper