Floyd flies up the top goal scorer ladder

Glasshouse Hinterland Lions forward flank impresses with goal tally

By Kirra Livingstone

THE Glasshouse Hinterland Lions Division 4 team is sitting third on the ladder, and forward flank Danny Floyd is the second highest goal scorer in the competition, kicking 28 goals this season.
Danny has lived on the Sunshine Coast for two years now, after leaving his home town for a change of scenery.
He previously played for Pyramid Power in Gordonvale, throughout the years he lived in Cairns, and has played for the Lions for most of his time on the Coast.
The forward flank said the team doesn’t tend to look at statistics all the time, but does indicate how well the Lions are going in the Division 4 competition currently.
“We keep a little bit of an update on it but it’s not something that we focus on, but the boys let you know about it more so,” Danny said.
“It’s a good reward for effort, it shows where the club is now and that we’re able to play good football and be able to kick goals, I’ve just been lucky enough to be on the end of it.
Danny added that he’s noticed since being at the club, the team has come a long way since the 2023 season.
“It was this time last year we had only won one game and now we’ve only lost one game so far so it’s definitely a big turn around.
“Credit to Dean Crooks and the rest of the people at the club for where the club is now to where it was a few years ago.
“We are playing consistent and enjoyable football, there’s a bit more added depth to the squad this year too.”
He added the team could be playing even better as they haven’t had a full strength squad this year to due injuries and players being away.
Danny kicked seven goals in the Lions’ June 28 game.
