Night lighting put on notice

Transport Minister called to dim the lights after concern grows over light pollution

By Sonia Isaacs

MEMBER for Glass House, Andrew Powell has put a question on notice to the Transport Minister, Bart Mellish calling for a commitment to reduce light pollution at hinterland railway stations.
A leading local astronomer told GC&M News (May 28) that Landsborough train station’s new park n ride recorded the most light pollution than any other site on the Sunshine Coast outside of Maroochydore’s CBD.
Mr Powell queried the Transport Minister on whether the Government would adjust the lighting at Landsborough.
“Given moves to create a ‘Dark Sky Reserve’ on the Sunshine Coast, will the Government adjust the lighting at the new Landsborough Railway Station car park to reduce light pollution (while still maintaining safety standards) and commit to achieving similar outcomes at any future station developments on the Sunshine Coast,” Mr Powell’s question to Transport Minister Bart Mellish stated.
Speaking with GC&M News, Mr Powell said he believed the move was possible. “It’s actually not that hard, and it saves money which means it saves the community money,” Mr Powell said.
“I’m keen to see the Sunshine Coast’s Dark Sky Reserve progress so it’s frustrating to learn the biggest light polluter in the hinterland is the State Government.”
Member for Caloundra, Jason Hunt said he was a strong advocate for the security benefits of adequate lighting, particularly for rail commuters arriving at night and wanting to avoid dimly lit carparks, saying he believed “public lighting went hand in hand with public safety”.
Mr Hunt confirmed he had recently been made aware of issues surrounding the brightness of security lighting at the new Landsborough station car park.
“I strongly support security lighting in busy public spaces as the evidence strongly suggests it minimises anti social behaviour,” Mr Hunt said.
“However residents have communicated with my office to discuss whether or not it may be possible to modify the brightness of these particular lights after peak period has passed.
“So I am seeking some advice from TMR as to what is or is not possible.”
