Beerwah Kindy’s street library

By Jennifer Kent

INSPIRED by the sheer joy of reading, Beerwah kindy kids, families and staff were excited to finally unveil their new community street library last month.

The bright coloured library is there for anyone and everyone to contribute or take books to enjoy, with the kindy community eager to share the love of reading with the whole community.

P&C president Jen Burgess said it was a “labour of love” which began during the 2020 lockdowns, and they were excited to see it finished and now being enjoyed by the whole community.

“Our heartfelt thanks to the Burness and Barton families who worked collaboratively on the construction process helping to bring our idea into a reality,” Jen shared on behalf of the kindy.

“We would also like to thank Andrew Powell MP for donating his time and being on site for our opening ceremony.”

So how does it work? It’s as simple as taking a book (or two) to enjoy and when you’re done, either return it to the library or pass it on to a friend to enjoy. The next time you’re passing by, pop a book in for someone else to enjoy.

The Beerwah Kindy Community Street Library is located right outside the Kindy gates at 9 Free Street, Beerwah.

Main image: Alana Borer (kookaburra group kindy teacher), Matthew Burness (big brother of current kindy kid), Brad and Chloe Barton (kindy dad and current kindy child), Rebecca Mackintosh (cockatoo group kindy teacher) and Andrew Powell MP
