BACK in March local Beerburrum resident Kirsty Levis was concerned about the state of the road surface along Beerburrum Road, which was dangerously uneven and posed a serious danger to motor vehicles and cyclist alike.
Taking the issue to her local state member, Andrew Powell, the Member for Glass House, a petition was organised for locals to sign that Mr Powell subsequently presented in parliament.
It seems the local voices of concern have been heard, as Mr Powell recently received a positive response from Mark Bailey, the Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
Mr Powell said while the detail in the Minister’s response was vague, he had advised that design work for extensive road treatments between Eaton Road and McDougall Road was almost complete.
“The response does indicate that Beerburrum petitioners have been heard and the road will be properly resurfaced in the near future,” Mr Powell said.
GC&M News called Mr Bailey’s office to find out more details.
Mr Bailey said the design work was almost complete on a $2.5 million plan to upgrade the road surface on Beerburrum Road at Elimbah.
“Construction will begin in the coming months to address the rough and uneven surface on a 2.5km stretch of Beerburrum Road,” the Minister said.
“Right now, we’re delivering a $28.8 million project to improve safety along sections of Morayfield Road and Beerburrum Road, and it’s important for us to get the surface right on this section.
“We have listened to the concerns of local residents and motorists who regularly use this section of Beerburrum Road and I thank them for highlighting the road’s condition through their local community.
“Transport and Main Roads has been working on a design for the right treatment to provide smoother and safer driving conditions for all road users.
“The treatment for Beerburrum Road will be a granular overlay from McDougall Road to just north of Eaton Road,” Mr Bailey said.
In December 2019 the speed limit on this section of Beerburrum Road was lowered from 100km/h to 80km/h as a temporary measure while a more extensive treatment was investigated to improve its condition.
Member for Pumicestone Ali King said once works were completed later this year, the original 100km/h speed zone would be reinstated.
“Beerburrum Road is a key link between the D’Aguilar Highway and Steve Irwin Way with almost 6,000 vehicles travelling this road daily,” Ms King said.
“It will improve safety and reduce ongoing maintenance costs along this section of Beerburrum Road.
“I would like to thank motorists and the local community for their patience while the design was being finalised.”
A project update will be provided to the local community before construction works begin.
Photo: Member for Glass House Andrew Powell with Beerburrum resident Kirsty Levis