Assistance for SE Queenslanders impacted by storms

The Federal and Queensland Government’s have announced a $20 million clean up program to assist in responses to severe storms and ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper which both impacted South-East Queensland.

Along with this funding commitment, there will be Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements of up to $75,000 for primary producers and up to $50,000 for small businesses and non-profit organisations.

Queensland Premier, Steven Miles, said how proud he was of the state’s resilience following these destructive storms and that this support will help them recover.

“Queenslanders are bred tough, but when we’re faced with testing times we need to band together and support each other, doing whatever it takes to help,” he said.

“I want to acknowledge the incredible will of our frontline services, councils and residents, and this exceptional circumstances package we’re announcing today will help them continue doing the vital work our state needs right now.”

A range of previously announced financial assistance for impacted residents, businesses and councils remains available as well, including Personal Hardship Assistance grants and Disaster Assistance Loans.

Residents in need of disaster support can call the Queensland Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.