Backyard Wildlife

with Spencer Shaw Forest Heart Eco-Nursery

ARE you socially isolated? Do the pressures of modern life get you down? Do you want to connect with others with similar interests and needs? The answer to your dilemma is not more time connected to world via the screen but to turn off your phone, walk away from your computer and connect to life and nature, right here, right now in the paddock, in the forest, in the bush and of course in your backyard. Connectivity with nature costs very little, the service is more reliable (considering the quality of our digital networks … it’s not that hard really) and doesn’t become outdated within a year or two. The benefits of connecting to nature are immense to your health and wellbeing, do it today and you’ll receive our bonus bluebird of happiness (Azure Kingfisher). A corny little intro perhaps, but too true in these days of the hyper-digital lifestyle.
A cool and damp (understatement) Autumn is upon us and it will be interesting to see whether winter is even cooler, or if we’re in for a warm winter as predicted. But still it’s that time of year when its great to find a patch of sun protected from the southerlies and bask in its warmth. So too for the wildlife. The snakes and lizards will be slowing down and less likely to be seen (sigh of relief for those who suffer from Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes). Migratory birds have already headed north to warmer climes and mammals of various sizes have put on their woollier coats to help keep away the winter chills.
My challenge to you for the next month (if you’re not already doing these things) is to get out there and plant or make habitat, take photos of nature’s wonders, start a nature diary to make note of what your seeing and when. There’s never been a better time to connect with nature (apart from yesterday), enjoy yourself and make some genuine connections on the world wide web of life!