If you’re looking for a great family-friendly dental practice, the team at Beerwah Dental have created a welcoming, fun and relaxed practice for their littlest to their wisest of patients.
Beerwah Dental’s practice principal, Dr Richard Johnston, is passionate about ensuring their clients have a great experience when visiting the dentist and believes having a positive first experience is key to a long healthy association throughout life.
“We’re community-based, locally-owned and run a family friendly centre which values city standards and country values,” he said. “Our staff are all passionate and professional and really go that extra mile to ensure clients have a great experience.”
New to the team – and the country – is Dr Aimee Gazem, who while studying dentistry in her home-town of Glasgow, Scotland spent time abroad in Australia. Fast-forward to 2022 and Aimee has made the Sunshine Coast home and is loving being welcomed into the Glasshouse Country community.
“Everyone is so friendly, more so than I ever expected, and it’s wonderful to work in such a friendly, relaxed team,” said Aimee. “We really aim to make every patient’s visit a relaxed and fun experience.”
If ever someone was born to do something Aimee was born to be a dentist, sharing she has always had a love for dentistry.
“For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a dentist,” she said. “I’m not sure where it came from, it’s just something I’ve always wanted to do and I love it.
“I remember during my primary school years I would always say I wanted to be dentist when I grew up and would ask for extra homework to make sure I got the grades needed to go on to study dentistry.”
Aimee’s welcoming smile and love of the profession is infectious. She loves working with children and making it fun, light-hearted and an overall great experience for the whole family.
There’s really no need for hesitation or fear around visiting the dentist and often children pick up on this from their parents. Aimee shared that in order to make the experience a positive one for children, it really begins at home.
“Parents can get children excited about visiting the dentist by building it up as an exciting event,” she encouraged. “They’ll pick up on hesitation and associate it with certain words, so it’s important to hype it up to be a positive experience. This sets them up for a positive associate with visiting the dentist, which is what we’re all about!”
You can visit the friendly Beerwah Dental team at 2/7 Turner Street, Beerwah, phone them on 5494 0766 or visit their website to find out more www.beerwahdental.com.au