Glasshouse Country View Club’s outing on April 6 was to Caloundra where they met up in Happy Valley. The club enjoyed morning tea along with a catch up and a raffle then some of the ladies went for a walk along to Kings Beach whilst the others sat in the park and chatted some more on the lovely autumn
morning. A fish and chip lunch followed.
Their next lunch meeting is at 11am on the 20th April when they will meet at Glasshouse Country RSL
Reed Street Glass House Mountains. The guest speaker this month will be Tia Bell from Sunshine Coast Council talking about recycling.
The club raises funds for the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program in all their activities.
It currently supports four Learning for Life students.
Any ladies who are interested in coming along to one of their events or would like to join the
club should contact either Joy on 0457413651 or Janet on 0448845303. You can
also visit the website on