DV Vigil to be held in Maleny

Contributed By Ian Demack

DOMESTIC violence affects all levels of society, but some people are more vulnerable than others, and in February this year, the Maleny Film Society screened Shayda, a powerful Australian drama about the challenges faced by an Iranian woman after leaving an abusive marriage, based on a true story.
Many viewers left the hall hoping that life improved for the woman who had inspired the movie, and for her young daughter.
SpeakUpNow is holding a candlelight vigil to remember victims of domestic and family violence, in Tesch Park, Maleny, on Thursday May 16.
Our headline speaker is Stephanie Tonkin, a retired magistrate who helped Shayda navigate Australia’s Family Court system, and divorce her violent husband.
Stephanie will talk about her journey during and after the ordeal and post-divorce. Other speakers will include a Queensland Police Service Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Unit representative. The vigil starts at 5:15pm.