IF you’re wondering what the development notice sign is all about on the side of Steve Irwin Way between the Ewen Maddock Dam causeway and Forestry Road, it’s nothing too sinister.
The same development signs have been placed in other locations.
Unitywater is preparing for the construction of the next major residential stage at Aura and needs to install new water reservoir tanks near the Bruce Highway and connect them to the Ewen Maddock Dam water treatment plant via a new pipeline.
Although the sign is nearer to Landsborough, the pipeline will exit off the Steve Irwin Way road reserve, down Old Caloundra Road, onto Hapgood Road, then east along some forestry roads to the site where the new water reservoirs will be constructed.
According to reports accompanying the development application to Sunshine Coast Council, the 9.5km new pipeline follows the boundary of the Beerwah State Forest for about 1.73km, the boundary of the Mooloolah River National Park for about 1.86km and is outside but parallel to the boundary of the Glass House Mountains National Park for about 1.75km.
Horizontal directional drilling and auger boring (or micro-tunnelling) is proposed for a number of locations to avoid damaging significant ecological areas.
The rest of the alignment will be above ground and require some clearing of vegetation.
The ecological assessment report shows that 3.5ha of suitable koala habitat and 2.6ha of habitat suitable for greater gliders will be cleared, along with about 20 hollow-bearing trees along the 15m cleared pipeline alignment.
The report states that this will trigger offsets to be provided for koala and greater glider habitats.
During the clearing operations, specialist wildlife spotter-catchers will be present.
As well, a cultural heritage report was commissioned that, after consultation with representatives of the Kabi Kabi First Nation People, found no items of Aboriginal cultural heritage or historic cultural heritage in the areas along the pipeline’s route.
The development signs are part of the standard public consultation process and state that anyone wishing to make a submission can do so before November 29.
To read more or to make a submission, go to https://developmenti.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and search for MCU21/0195.