Ariana sets her sights on politics

‘Energy, enthusiasm and a commitment to serve’

By Sonia Isaacs

FORMER Glasshouse Christian College school Dux, Ariana Doolan, is positioning herself to become the youngest women to be elected to state parliament.
Ms Doolan is the new LNP candidate for Pumicestone ahead of the October 26 state election and will go head-to-head with ALP MP Ali King who holds the seat by 5.1 per cent.
But if the daunting task of not only unseating a sitting member but achieving it at the age of 22 has got to Ms Doolan, it’s not showing.
Her political aspirations add to a number of noteworthy achievements for the former hinterland student including being a recipient of the prestigious Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship and Student Academy of Excellence College member. Ms Doolan is currently juggling full-time studies with work and now campaigning.
“I was drawn to politics because I want to make a difference and impact in the community,” she said.
“What better way to do it than through Queensland parliament?”
Ms Doolan said she wanted to join the LNP (Liberal National Party) because she believed in the core values of the party and liked their community of people. She said she was confident she could bring energy and a new focus to issues concerning the constituents of Pumicestone in her bid to unseat Ms King.
Addressing the issue of scepticism around her youth and capacity to enter politics, Ms Doolan said she would remind people that the previous LNP leader Lawrence Springborg was the youngest person to enter Queensland parliament at age 21 and he went on to become leader of the party and is the current party president.
“I’ve also got a lot of experience in the public and private sector. Even though I’m only 22, I’ve been working since I was 15.
“I’m just going to focus on what’s important to my community and their priorities, and hopefully they’ll see my energy and enthusiasm and my commitment to serve and not my age,” she said.
Ms Doolan said she hopes that as a younger person she could also bring a lot of other young people with her on the journey.
She said working alongside member for Glasshouse Andrew Powell MP had also influenced her decision to join the party.
“Andrew has been such a great role model for me so that has also influenced my decision. I would be immensely proud if I was elected to enter parliament.
“I also think it would be good for young people to see someone who has worked hard, put in the effort and is aspirational.
“When you dream big and work towards your goals you can achieve great things and that’s what I want put forward, particularly to young people,” she said.
She said while she is still finalising her university studies in Business and Environmental Science, she planned to shift her focus to full time campaigning.
“I want to fundraise hard, campaign hard and make an impact,” she said.
When asked if she wanted to be Premier one day, Ms Doolan said “I want to be member for Pumicestone first, then I’ll set my goals higher,” she said.
At the moment I’m totally focussed on winning this election on October 26 and then I’ll see how I go!” she laughed.