Biking for a cause

Dave Beaden recently completed a five day gruelling bike ride through the NSW high country, from Canberra up to Mt Kosciuszko.

Dave is a member of the Landsborough Seventh-day Adventist Church and was part of a team of 30 riders raising money to support two charities – the ADRA Blossom Project in Vanuatu, educating young people on reproductive health and empowering young girls to know their rights, and Restore One in Cambodia, seeking to break poverty one community at a time through housing, education, employment and health initiatives.

Dave said the ride was the hardest five days of his life.

However, he made new friends and got to experience a unique part of Australia, as well as supporting some worthwhile causes.

Over $60,000 has been raised so far for the projects. Check out for more information.