Call for small biz to have a say

The Queensland government is seeking input from small business owners and operators for its new Small Business Strategy.

The Small Business Survey, which opened on January 30, provides an opportunity for small businesses to share their challenges, priorities, and goals with the government.

The goal is to ensure the right conditions and support are in place for these businesses to succeed and contribute to the state’s economic growth. The Palaszczuk government has already provided $2.5 billion in assistance to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new strategy will set a future path for the more than 459,000 small businesses in Queensland and provide them with opportunities to grow and thrive.

The government wants to hear directly from the sector in order to make it easier to do business. The Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-2023 has delivered grants, programs, and initiatives to help businesses recover and grow, boost local economies, and drive job growth.

Small Business Minister Di Farmer emphasised the importance of small businesses for the state’s economic growth and stated the government wants to ensure the right conditions and support are in place to help small businesses reach their goals.
