COLES is seeking a further change to its appeal for a Beerwah retail and fuel station precinct with the inclusion of a new U-turn facility off Roys Rd and additional landscaping.
Coles is appealing a 2021 decision by the Sunshine Coast Council to reject a new shopping precinct at the corner of Roys Rd and Steve Irwin Way.
In new court documents Coles is now seeking a change in its development application that includes amendments to the road network in and around the site as well as increased landscaping between the fuel station and internal roads.
Part of the new proposed amendments include a U-turn facility for vehicles up to the size of a B-Double at the north-east corner of the site (pictured far right).
An affidavit prepared for Coles by traffic engineer Bryce Trevilyan states that the U-turn facility is a minor change to the development that will change the flow of vehicles through the Roys Rd site access “however not to a degree that is materially consequential to operations from a capacity viewpoint, and is incorporated in the holistic design strategy to enhance safety”.
Mr Trevilyan wrote that “from a traffic engineering perspective the changes proposed are beneficial and result in a superior outcome for the subject land.”
Another affidavit, by landscape architect Nader Ibrahim, stated that the intent of new design amendments around the fuel station was to soften landscaping with the intersection.
The design integrates the streetscape and ‘gateway corner’ to the site that “broadens and strengthens the sense of the landscape space, including artwork to contribute to the gateway experience and transition from Steve Irwin Way into Beerwah”.
“Artwork will reflect local sense of place and adopt public art theme existing in Beerwah,” the landscape concept design report states.
These new amendments follow changes to the development made by Coles in July last year, reported by GC&M News, which included an increase of natural landscaping and signature Hoop Pine feature trees, to buffer the development with the road.
The court ruled that last year’s amendments were acceptable and the appeal could continue..
In another affidavit responding to the latest minor changes, ecologist and botanist, David Francis, said the changes do not introduce any new impacts or increase the security of known impacts.
A hydrologist said that other changes, the inclusion of on-site detention for stormwater quantity would “mitigate peak flows at the site”.
The application for the court to accept the minor change of development is expected to be heard this week.