Glasshouse talent is jumping to success

By Kirra Livingstone

NINE-year-old Glasshouse Christian College student Hayley Wall has excelled in her first equestrian interschool state championships.

Hayley competed in Toowoomba in late June at the  Equestrian Queensland Hygain Interschool State Championships.

The Year 4 student, riding her horse Black Layce had a stellar competition, riding in the 60cm Primary Class and the 70cm Primary Class.

Over three days she held her nerve as she competed in three different jump courses: the Am5, 2phase and A2.

She was also competing against the weather with cold, windy and at times rainy conditions making for tough going.

But Hayley and Black Layce rode their little hearts out against the competition, which included students from Prep to Year 6.

One of her  courses started at 7am and the last was at 5.30pm but with hard work and beautiful horsemanship they won the overall Primary Champions for the 60cm and the 70cm.

Hayley is likely to complete in the 80cm class or higher next year, with the opportunity to go to Nationals if she continues to perform to her potential.
