Mother and son koalas bonded in Trauma Season

TRAUMA Season has continued to wreak havoc on our local wildlife, but the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital have been caring for many injured animals, including mum and son koalas Summer and Salt.

In October last year Summer and Salt were rescued by the hospital for emergency help after being hit by a car, and although her son Salt was safe in Summer’s pouch, she sustained severe injuries.

Summer had severe brain trauma and a ruptured ear drum which impacted her walking and was in intensive care, however she still cared for her joey and he was with her mum for every surgery.

This warmed the hearts of the hospital staff who were caring for the pair, showing how deep Summer and Salt’s family bond was despite adversity.

A year after the pair had been hit by a car, Salt was able to be released back into the wild as a strong young male Koala, whereas his mum is completing the remainder of her rehabilitation at the hospital.

These two koalas are among the approximately 10,000 patients admitted to the Wildlife Hospital each year.

Trauma Season accounts for a large amount of injured animals as warmer weather during Trauma Season leads to disease, increased wildlife movement and domestic pet attacks.