Student enviro heroes in action

ALMOST 250 children, from 20 schools across the region, spent the year researching and developing workshops, interactive displays, short films and community calls to action as part of the 2022 Kids in Action program.

The Kids in Action program is an environmental education initiative underpinned by a kids-teaching-kids approach to teaching.

This program partners schools with local environmental stewards and engages students actively in learning about local environmental issues.

Students recently gathered to share with each other their ‘Catchment Connections: Mountains to the Sea’ project presentations at the Kids Teaching Kids Conference on Friday, September 9.

The thought-provoking and inspiring projects delivered by schools covered everything from protecting shorebirds and their habitats, to First Nations history and significance of the Obi Obi Creek.

Schools will now be invited to share their conference projects and presentations with the broader community through a special roadshow.

Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said: “I was delighted to join all the students who came together to celebrate 10 years of Kids in Action and create a magical day of connection – to both the environment and to each other.”
