Zonta’s birthing kit project

ZONTA Club of Blackall Range will hold a ‘Birthing Kit’ packing morning on Saturday August 27 at RSL, Maleny .

Service committee chair June Robson said: “An Adelaide Zontian devised the system several years ago and it has been taken up by doctors in developing countries all over the world.

“Every year the Zonta Club of Blackall Range members, friends and volunteers hold a morning session to prepare our 600 kits.”

Can you help provide a safer and cleaner birthing environment for women around the world? The kits are helping save 300,000 women and 2.5m newborns a year.

Join Zonta Club on Saturday August 27 for a morning of friendship, laughter and morning tea from 9:00-12:00. Please call June on 5499 9234 to let them know you are coming.