A truckin’ good conspiracy theory

By Crank the Croc

KNOWING a thing or two about swamps, I’m still a bit stunned by the insanity that gets thrown around on the internet.
The conspiracy theories around these fires is a case in point. Barely had the last of 600 hectares of forestry burnt to the ground than people were speculating over who started them.
The line doing the rounds is that developers are taking the opportunity to utilise hot, dry and potentially fatal conditions to light a fire and clear some land for future development.
Oh lordy, that’s a good one.
Perhaps it is a firebug feeding off their own serious mental health issues. Not as interesting, but I know where I’d put my money.
Rain… finally
It almost felt like we were missing something when some idiot firebug didn’t light up a forest on the weekend. Then I wondered if we would miss out on the rain that had pelted Brisbane. Finally it came and isn’t it strange how, after seemingly years of good rain, how good a little downpour actually felt. Almost seemed normal. Take that arsonists.
Kill all QR codes
I note that the backlash against QR codes in restaurants has raised its ugly pixelated head again.
Every excuse under the sun is given for why they’re being introduced with alarming regularity. But nobody has been honest enough to say the real reason until recently when one restaurateur admitted it saved them 25 per cent in costs (read: staff). Well duh. But is there even a small discount to the poor punter forced to use his phone yet again instead of engaging in chit chat with their date. Not a chance. Instead you get no service but have to pay a surcharge for using a device you never wanted to use in the first place and they then have the gall to ask if you want to give a tip? Seriously. Here’s a tip: employ some staff.
